Update 55

Art Stream

It’s time for an art stream again! Garret will be streaming the creation of some new art on his Twitch channel on Wednesday from 12pm to 2pm. He plans to start working on a Carousel!


It’s been a busy week! We’ve added some new food stalls:

This is Bubble Tea, Chinese Food, Mini Donuts, Popcorn and Ice Cream.

And we added a Mini Coaster:

It’s supposed to be used for fairly relaxed rides through some scenery, so its building options are rather limited.

We put the guest names from the $50 Kickstarter tier into the game, so these uniquely named guests come to check out your park every now and then.

I spent the majority of this week on a rather big feature though - tracked ride blueprints! That means you’ll be able to save your tracked ride for placing it in another park or for sharing it with someone. It’ll also allow us to ship the game with some pre-designed rides eventually (which we’ll also need for the $500 Kickstarter tier).

I initially didn’t write the code with the idea in mind that coasters will ever be moved or rotated around so some bigger changes were required, but it’s almost working now:

I tried to finish it for this weeks $40 tier build, but there’s still a couple things left to do and due to the bigger code changes that had to be done we decided to leave it out for now and properly test and finish it later.
The build still got delayed longer than initially planned due to this, but it’s done now and we sent it off to Humble! It’ll probably take another couple days until they uploaded it though. You’ll receive an email once it’s available :)

Gordon bought a Concertina last month.

He’s still learning but already used it for a song!

It’s another one that’s supposed to play in the background while building stuff.