Update 50

Art Stream

Hey, there’s a second art stream happening this month! As usual: on Wednesday, Garret creates some nice new Parkitect art live on his Twitch channel. We’re starting one hour earlier this time though - 12pm to 2pm.


This week, we worked on hedges and fences.

You build them similarly to paths using click & drag:

They automatically snap to the closest tile edge.

At first we tried implementing them tile-based, like we did with the park fences, so there’d be one model for a flat fence, and one model for a sloped fence, and it’d place the correct one and rotate it depending on the terrain elevation. However, with hedges it quickly became clear that this wasn’t the best approach, since they need to follow the terrain shape pretty closely to look good, and we would have needed to create and manage quite a bunch of different tiles.

So in the end what we did instead is to have just one single flat hedge/fence model and warp that to match the terrain shape.

We got a nice selection of hedges/fences now, and adding more is pretty simple.

(The hedges are custom-colored by the way, just like the trees)

We also added these topiaries. They can be build off-grid, but sometimes you want to build them on-grid, for example when placing one precisely next to a hedge. We made it so you can hold a button to snap them to a grid:

You can build some nice gardens now :)

And we improved last weeks zone visualization to more clearly show the boundaries: