Update 41

We’re working towards the release of the second pre-pre-alpha build for our $100 tier Kickstarter backers now, so a significant amount of time is spent on fixing bugs and finishing/improving unfinished stuff. Overall I’d say we’re in good shape though, it feels like there’s less to do than for the first build. I’m really glad we’re doing these small intermediary releases before the big public Early Access one…it forces us to have a somewhat stable game at all times, which should help to reduce crunch times.

The log flume received its conveyor belt lifts:

We finally added the ¼ height slopes to the track builder. We can also put seperate limits on up/down slope heights for tracked ride types now (notice how the log flume can have steep down slopes, but not steep up slopes). And we can put minimum size restrictions on slope transitions - the high and medium slopes in the back are the smallest possible sizes you can build, but the high slope transition is a bit longer.

I‘ve started turning last weeks water graphics test into water that you can actually build in the game:

Could use some splash effects, but this’ll do for now.

Garret made these nice replacements for the placeholder wooden supports:

And here’s some new scenery - and path tunnels!

Garret had some fun with all the new stuff and built this nice little swamp park :)