Update 33

Art Stream

There’s another art stream coming up! Watch Garret create some Parkitect art on his Twitch channel, on Wednesday from 1pm to 3pm PST.


We added guest activity logging! We’re recording certain events for individual guests and there’s a neat visualization overlay showing you what they’ve been up to:

I was a bit concerned what this would do to the filesize of our savegames, but judging by some quick tests it should be alright. And if not there are ways to optimize it.

Guests became cleverer this week - they learned how to properly use transport rides when heading for a specific location. So if for example they want to leave the park they might either walk or hop onto a transport ride and drop off at a suitable station.

Here’s a couple of debug screenshots, with the yellow line showing which path the guests would take if they wanted to get from one endpoint of the line to the other (for rides it marks where they enter the queue and the station they leave at):

It takes into account the average waiting time at a station, the time the ride needs from the entrance to the exit station (on average) and the ride entrance fee in relation to the travelled distance. The weighting of these factors is something we’ll have to balance.