Update 31

A very busy week with lots of big code changes!

There’s a terrain gridlines toggle…

…but the real work was spent on coasters - or tracked rides as I should say.

As mentioned earlier building tracked rides with multiple stations didn’t work yet. Now it does:

(Sped up for demonstration)

Having multiple stations doesn’t make that much sense on coasters though, sooo…the inevitable next step was to start working on a transport ride!

Implementing it took some time since it works fairly different from the coasters we had so far - it’s powered, suspended, and then there’s also the shape of these supports.

Speaking of suspended, it does swing a bit in curves, although it’s hard to notice since it’s rather subtle and the framerate of this GIF is a bit low:

Now that it works adding other suspended or powered rides should go much faster though. It should also be fairly easy to add other kinds of tracked rides now that the code doesn’t expect everything with a track to be a coaster.

Just because we got it nicely driving on it’s track doesn’t mean there isn’t lots of work left to do on it though! More on that in the coming weeks I guess.