Update 29

Art Stream

Garret will be doing another art livestream next week - tune in to his Twitch channel on Thursday, from 1pm to 3pm PST!

The last few streams got crazy long, so Garret will try to end it at 3pm this time.

Edit: moved from Wednesday to Thursday.


Started this week with fixing a couple more issues, but that’ll be enough for now. It’s really interesting to see that even after staring at the game for hundreds of hours other people will still do things you never tried or thought of. You tend to develop a habit of always testing the same things all over again after a while, so it’s really beneficial to have some other people test even early on.

We’re now planning what to work on during the next weeks/months. The main focus for a while should be to get more gameplay implemented. I did some AI work but there’s nothing to show in GIF-form yet.

There’s a new park overview camera mode:

Pan, rotation and zoom works like in the normal view.

We’re not using a level-of-detail system yet (replacing far away objects with less detailed versions for better performance), but as you have more objects on screen at once in this view we might have to. Maybe we’ll just replace the people with dots? We’ll see once we have more content and bigger parks to test with.