Update 28

This week has been more of the work we did last week, except in crunch mode - fixing bugs, adding a splash and loading screens, making screen transitions work…not the most exciting stuff to talk about in a devlog I’m afraid!
The pre-pre-alpha builds are done and out now though (Edit: for the $100 “Early Prototypes” tier Kickstarter backers, you should have received a mail if you’re in that group), so we should slowly be returning to our regular work schedule soon.

Gordon got this catchy preview of song #2 for you this week:

It’s stuck in my head since a couple of days.

Garret redesigned the logo once more. It’s now a mix of the last two versions. We gave animating it a try:

He seems to be pretty satisfied with it so this one might stay.

Earlier this week he also spontaneously decided to do a quick impromptu art livestream. It somehow turned into a much longer session than planned and included the following results:

If you want to watch the entire thing there’s a recording of it available on his Twitch channel.