Art Stream
Hey! As usual near the end of the month, come join us on Garrets Twitch channel on Wednesday (March 1st) at 1pm PST to chat while watching some new Parkitect art being created.
I’ve returned to working on the terrain to hopefully resolve all of the remaining tasks. The first one: preventing terrain from clipping through flat rides/shops/utility buildings.

The biggest challenge with this was not actually making the terraforming stop in occupied places but figuring out whether the place is occupied or not with acceptable performance. We’re obviously using space-partitioning data structures (Octrees in this case) to speed up our collision checks, but if you need to do many lookups that gets slow too at some point…
Just like we’ve already done it with guests activities we’re also putting markers for thoughts in the park now when their thoughts tab is opened, so it’s a bit easier to see what the thoughts are referring to: