Beta 11 is now available for download! The full change log is at the end of this post.
We added the Stand-up Coaster from this months Art Stream:
And Fabrice made three new animal statues:
- added Stand-up Coaster
- added Trash Chute utility building
- added more animal statues
- added operating profit scenario goal
- added fences around purchasable land
- added guests can take photos
- added utility building door animations
- changed how loans work
- improved build previews
- improved all build windows to minimize while building
- improved grid snapping to snap to grid center + corners at once
- fixed a case where deco objects could remain stuck to the mouse after building
- fixed a case where ghost train would be missing when editing a tracked ride
- fixed a case where wrong stats would be reported while editing a tracked ride
- fixed a case where guests could buy something from a closed shop
- fixed a case where guests would face the wrong direction while watching a ride
- fixed not being able to change car rotation/train speed on helix pieces
- fixed not being able to select fog effect in blueprints/bulldozer tool