Devlog Update 96

The big thing this week was the Steam launch of course (check here for instructions on how to retrieve your Steam key if you’ve bought the game before it was on Steam).
It went pretty well! The ratings are at 97% positive right now and there haven’t been too many major technical issues - we’ll have to see how things look in a couple weeks, but so far so good :)

In development news we’ve released a patch version (Alpha 1a) since last week that mostly fixed some more small glitches and added a couple minor features (most notably block sections are working as intended now and the Mac/Linux versions are running much more stable now).

The last few days we’ve mostly been reading and responding to feedback. The most common complaints so far are:

The game is not available in my language
This is something I wish we had been a bit more prepared for… we had translation support in the game for a long time but didn’t get any translations done. We could have handled that way better.
We got lots of offers from people to help with translations so to rectify this we’ve set up crowdsourced translations over here, which means anyone can help with translating the game into their language.
We might still get some professional translations done for the more common languages but for now this is the fastest way to fix this and allows us to add support for rare languages too.

There is no campaign
This one is a bit tricky - it simply doesn’t make any sense for us to work on a campaign before the game is feature complete. We’d have to redo it all and throw away a lot of work to update campaign levels as more content gets put into the game in the future.
While the Steam description says that the game only has a sandbox mode at the moment and that a campaign will be added in the future some people don’t seem to read that and then become disappointed after purchase. Not sure yet how to solve this best so we’ll just observe for a bit longer to see if this complaint keeps coming up.

There is no tutorial
For now we’ll add more informative tooltips and such, I think that’s generally a good idea. The coaster builder is a good example for that: it should tell you exactly why a certain build option is currently not available instead of just taking it away. Not a big fan of traditional tutorials personally but we really might need a small one that teaches the basics eventually.

Noticeable FPS drops if zooming out all the way in big parks
To improve this we’re mostly waiting for Unity 5.4, which brings some new features for improving performance if there are many objects on screen at once. The planned release date for Unity 5.4 is June, so I think we’ll have some improvements for this in the game by the end of July if everything goes well.
I’ll also check if we can do some other optimizations before that, but the biggest performance hit for zoomed out views specifically is from rendering all the thousands of individual objects in the park so I expect Unity 5.4 to help more with this than anything I can do right now.

It’s an Early Access game
Yes, it says so on the store page ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

All of our older players are helping a lot with this addressing these issues (thanks so much!) and things seem to calm a bit down now, so we should be able to jump right back into normal development and have some more interesting news again next week :)

Steam Launch Day!

As a reminder, the game will be available on Steam Early Access in about an hour from now! :D
If you’ve previously bought the game or backed our Kickstarter you can retrieve your Steam key from your download page that you received after purchase/that we sent you through Kickstarter by using the “click to redeem on Steam” button. It should look somewhat like this:

If you lost the link to your download page, you can retrieve it using the Humble Order Resender.

Alternatively, in case you claimed the game to an Humble Bundle account you can also find the key on your Keys page:

If you followed these instructions but still have problem retrieving your download page or Steam key, you can reach us at


Have our previous two trailers not been enough excitement for you?
Thirsty for more?

Just 3 days left until the Steam release!

Devlog Update 95 + Alpha 1

Alpha 1 is now available for download! As previously announced, aside from any remaining bug fixes this is the version we’ll release to Steam Early Access next Thursday, so if you find any serious or new problems with it please let us know!
The best place to report issues currently is on our subreddit.

Grab it from the download link that you received back when you purchased the game.
Use the key resender if you lost your download link.

The full change log is at the end of this post.

Cydonia Hills, by Silvarret

Steam Launch Day Stream

We’ll do a Stream on May 5th at 8am PST, right before the Steam launch. If you simply want to hang out and chat a bit we’d be happy if you join us on Garrets Twitch channel :)


There’s a new visualization for last weeks station synchronization feature that shows connections between all synchronized stations of a ride:

It includes all indirectly synchronized rides, too - for example, the above screenshot shows the synchronization setup for the coaster, which has synchronization configured between its stations and the Drop Tower. The Drop Tower is synchronized with the Carousel though, which means that the coaster can’t start before the Carousel is ready even though it is not directly synchronized with it.
This will probably not be a common situation but it can happen.

There are also a few new decorative objects:

Aside from that there’s not too much to say this week as we’ve obviously been focused on fixing lots of small bugs and annoyances and adding some polish to make a good first impression on Steam :)
You can find the more notable results of that in the changelog.

Alpha 1 Changelog

- added Giga Coaster
- added Monorail
- added Steam Workshop support
- added synchronizing attraction stations
- added compressed .park savegame format for up to ~85% smaller savegames
- added ride music volume slider
- added spawning supports if terraforming below ground-level tracks
- added option for closing the park only for new guests
- added German translation
- changed attraction “maximum waiting time between new guests” setting to overall minimum/maximum waiting times
- improved people loading speed by ~70%
- improved people animation performance by ~40%
- reduced people RAM usage by ~95%
- improved guest queueing behaviour
- fixed windows could be inaccessible off-screen after changing game resolution
- fixed tracked ride stats resetting to 0 if ride breaks down
- fixed tracked ride stats being wrong on first run after loading a savegame
- fixed tracked rides sometimes allowing to use one car more than the maximum that can fit into the stations
- fixed some graphics options not being applied when loading a new park
- fixed a case where guests would drown if loaded while the car they’re on is above water
- fixed a case where people would not find paths even though their destination was reachable
- fixed a case where guests would walk into a queue without queueing after loading a savegame
- fixed queue lines getting messed up after loading savegame
- fixed guests sometimes playing walking animation when they weren’t moving
- fixed guests sometimes not properly walking through ride entrance gate when entering a ride
- fixed guests moving before “check map” animation finished playing
- fixed firing a hauler deleted the delivery crate he’s carrying
- fixed an issue where trains would drop off passengers at stations that don’t have an exit
- fixed some spinning flat rides doing one additional round at very slow speed (which would also throw off their ratings)
- fixed trash visualization not working for some path tiles