Devlog Update 144 + Alpha 13

Alpha 13 is now available for download! The full change log is at the end of this post.
Steam Cloud support is currently only available on the Experimental branch to make sure it’s all working as expected before we release it to everyone. If you want to give it a try, right-click Parkitect in the Steam library and select Properties -> Betas -> Experimental.


There’s a new tool available in the scenario editor for marking objects as indestructible:

This can be useful for custom-built structures such as park entrance buildings, but can also be used for creating scenarios with some unique restrictions.


- added Submarines ride
- added Calm River Ride
- added random events
- added Steam Cloud support (on Experimental branch)
- added brush tool for changing existing path types
- added guests stop and watch rides
- added bamboo path objects
- added terrain textures
- added closing shops
- added hold Alt to change terrain painting mode
- added hotkey for pipette tool (“P”)
- added countdown timer for fulfilling scenario goals
- added objects can be marked as indestructible in scenario editor
- improved behaviour of water when terraforming near it
- improved performance when hiding scenery some more
- improved path dragging to better work on uneven terrain
- improved behaviour when quicksaving a new park
- improved how scenario goal rewards work
- improved balance of flat ride costs and capacities
- fixed issue with Inverted Double Swing seats
- fixed a case where Transformer was in wrong animation position after loading savegame
- fixed grasses showing across tunnels through vertical terrain cliffs
- fixed vandalism visualization not being applied properly to some objects
- fixed walls sometimes getting misplaced when building next to sloped terrain
- fixed a rare case where the camera would freak out when switching into top-down view (“M”)
- fixed high wage costs when starting a new scenario
- fixed an error message when adjusting UI scale

Devlog Update 143

Art Stream

It’s time for the April Art Stream, and this month it’ll be on Tuesday instead of the usual Wednesday.
Come join us on Garrets Twitch channel on Tuesday (April 25th) at 1pm PST to chat while watching some new Parkitect art being created.


When adding the Calm River Ride last week we weren’t sure yet whether we’d be able to get the boats move around inside the channel as you’d expect or not. Since the channel is only a small bit wider than the boats it would have been alright if they just stayed inside in the center of the “track” at all times like any other ride, but we got the movement working now and it looks quite nice!
Here’s a top-down view:

The path builder oftentimes decided to build tunnels when dragging across uneven terrain, which has been improved now:

You can still get tunnels by holding Shift while dragging.

There’s a new brush tool for changing the style of existing paths:

Garret added some new bamboo path objects:

Luuk added a bunch of small random events that should shake things up a bit every now and then.

There are positive and negative events. Some are entirely random, some can be prevented and some can be resolved by taking action.

And Luuk also added some nice animations for trash:

Devlog Update 142

Gordon bought a morin khuur a few months ago and has been practising it since, and now he’s finished his first song with it:

It’s a bit unusual, but we’ll find a good use for it :)

Tim keeps working on scenario features and has added a time constraint for goal completion:

With this setting, all goals need to be kept complete for the given amount of time before the scenario is won. If any of the goal conditions isn’t met anymore the timer resets.

And we’ve added another water ride, the Calm River Ride. It’s a low-intensity ride where boats float along a water channel and you can see on the right hand side here:

Devlog Update 141

This week, Garret added some new terrain textures so you can get more use out of the new terrain features introduced in Alpha 12:

Water adjusts to terrain changes by itself now so you don’t have to constantly update it manually after terraforming for a bit:

When connecting an existing pool of water to a hole it’ll remove the water though, otherwise you could accidentally flood stuff easily that you didn’t intend to:

And with that all the remaining big tasks regarding terrain we still had on our task list are done :) NICE.

We also added the first ride that makes proper use of lakes, the Submarines:

And Luuk added support for Steam Cloud, so if you’re playing on multiple systems through Steam all your savegames and blueprints automatically synchronize across them.