It’s time…

Yes! That big milestone is finally close - we’ll be releasing Parkitect on Steam Early Access on May 5th.

Our Steam store page is live already, so don’t hesitate and put the game on your wishlist! :D

We prepared a cool new trailer over the past few months for this occasion, made by Marlon Wiebe and Gordon:

And we also revamped our website and updated it with a bunch of recent screenshots!

The beautiful parks in these shots and in the trailer have been created by the awesome Silvarret and TheDeeGee.

So what’s changing now that the game will be on Steam?

Not too much for now for you guys, really! We’ll keep up our regular development schedule, so the weekly devlogs and monthly Art Streams and new game versions continue as usual (although - we hope we’ll be so busy talking to all the new players on Steam during May that we’ll have less time for development, so don’t expect a huge May update).

We’ll finally change the game’s label from Pre-Alpha to Alpha, so the next release will be called Alpha 1. The plan is to release this to everyone who owns the game on Humble a few days before the Steam release, just so we got a bit of time to iron out any last-minute bugs.

And we’ll also finally bump up the price slightly from $15 to $17.99, starting on May 5th (only applies for those of you who haven’t bought the game yet, of course). As was the case with the current price we expect this to stay stable for quite some time, with another small increase once significant amounts of new content and features have been added again.