Devlog Update 87

Pre-Alpha 8 was released on Monday, so we took some time this week to watch people play to see what common problems they encountered and to find the areas that we need to improve most. The time right after a release is also great for fixing long-standing issues and improving old code, because if I break something now we’ve got a couple weeks left until the next release to notice it (on the contrary, doing bigger changes a couple days before release is always a bit scary).

We also worked on giving our website a makeover. Almost done! Won’t go online for a couple weeks though :)

We added a tilt-shift effect (blur near the top and bottom of the screen to make everything look more like a miniature):

It is disabled by default, but if you want to take some nice screenshots or record videos or even play with it there’s an option for it.

 And we added the Tourbillon ride:

It looks a bit like something out of a science fiction movie, but it is a real ride currently in development. The movement pattern in the game is randomized.