Devlog Update 80

Art Stream

Garret will catch up on the December art stream next week. Join us on his Twitch channel on Wednesday, 12pm PST to chat while watching new Parkitect art being created.

Time converter at


It’s been a bit of a boring week for the devlog. Garret has been ill all week, but he’s better now.

I updated the game to use the latest Unity version, which as usual fixed some old issues we had in exchange for adding some new ones. Here are some of the more interesting glitches I encountered:

After a bit of work it’s running fine again now.

I also spent some time on internal tools, like this one that identifies some common problems with our audio setup:

And finally I tried an idea for getting the problem with people walking in circles on wide paths a bit under control:

It works alright on 2 and 3 tile wide paths, which seem to be the most common ones. On wider paths or big plazas it doesn’t work perfectly but reduces the problem. I think it’s a good tradeoff between an ideal solution and being performance friendly, but we’ll have to see what happens once everyone gets to play with it.