Devlog Update 201 + Beta 8

Beta 8 is now available for download! The full change log is at the end of this post.


We got two new rides this month:

The Hyper Coaster is a high-capacity coaster capable of 60m+ drops. It can’t invert, so it’s all about speed and airtime!

The Plane Carousel is a nice calm ride that slowly spins around a central axis like a carousel, but guests have control over the up/down movement of the planes.


- added Hyper Coaster
- added Plane Carousel
- added some new fences
- added deco score graph to market research
- added deco score scenario goal
- added inner glass roof corners
- added new sound effects
- added lowest transparency setting when hiding objects hides them completely
- changed research so you can research calm rides/thrill rides etc. instead of flat rides/coasters
- improved queue building to not remove path attachments when dragging in parallel to paths
- improved wooden supports
- improved decision making for when to enable underground view when placing ride blueprints
- made it easier to see which parts of an object are below/above ground when building
- some UI improvements
- lots of small game balance improvements, most notably:
 * improved popularity of calm rides
 * increased overall guest count again
 * changed guest spawn speed
 * changed advertisement effectiveness
 * reduced park advertisement cost
 * increased toilet capacity
 * guests get annoyed by trash less quickly
 * slightly reduced vandalism
 * adjusted research times
 * slightly increased guest money
 * adjusted how long guests stay at the park
 * guests leave earlier if they run out of money
 * adjusted flat ride intensity ratings
 * increased tracked ride maintenance costs
- fixed guests not using newly bought umbrellas
- fixed parts of concrete walls not being recolorable
- fixed camera not following guests when they are on rides
- fixed a case where Twister wouldn’t stop when it should
- fixed guests disappearing when deleting benches/rides
- fixed path builder switching into underground mode on sloped terrain
- fixed remove button in path builder sometimes not working as intended
- fixed a case where guests could immediately leave the park instead of staying for a while
- fixed a case where trash could get stuck on trash bins and never disappear
- fixed research unlock rewards for completing scenario goals sometimes not getting awarded
- fixed goal rewards being awarded a second time after completing all goals
- fixed an error when subscribing to mods
- fixed objects built below wooden supports being hard to click
- fixed a case where scenario editor UI would stop working
- fixed a case where guests could not despawn
- fixed guests naming the wrong intensity when complaining about no rides of a certain intensity being around
- (hopefully) fixed not being able to build track segments sometimes due to location being occupied