Devlog Update 159

Art Stream

Once again it’s Art Stream time!
Come join us on Garrets Twitch channel on Wednesday (August 30th) at 1pm PST to chat while watching some new Parkitect art being created.


I’ve been working on the UI for the campaign mode this week. It’s just the basic outline of it so far to get something working with placeholder art, so no screenshots of it yet.

After testing the control changes from Devlog Update 157 over the past couple of weeks we’re reverting the change of being able to move the camera with the right mouse button because it interferred with some places where dragging with the right mouse button was already being used for something, such as for removing zones. We discussed a couple of different ways of changing these places to make it work somehow, but couldn’t find any solutions that weren’t significantly worse than the old behaviour.
In turn we added an option for exchanging the camera panning on the middle mouse button for camera rotation, so that button becomes more useful if you’re using edge or keyboard panning. All the other control changes remain intact, so it’s not too much of a loss really.