Devlog Update 143

Art Stream

It’s time for the April Art Stream, and this month it’ll be on Tuesday instead of the usual Wednesday.
Come join us on Garrets Twitch channel on Tuesday (April 25th) at 1pm PST to chat while watching some new Parkitect art being created.


When adding the Calm River Ride last week we weren’t sure yet whether we’d be able to get the boats move around inside the channel as you’d expect or not. Since the channel is only a small bit wider than the boats it would have been alright if they just stayed inside in the center of the “track” at all times like any other ride, but we got the movement working now and it looks quite nice!
Here’s a top-down view:

The path builder oftentimes decided to build tunnels when dragging across uneven terrain, which has been improved now:

You can still get tunnels by holding Shift while dragging.

There’s a new brush tool for changing the style of existing paths:

Garret added some new bamboo path objects:

Luuk added a bunch of small random events that should shake things up a bit every now and then.

There are positive and negative events. Some are entirely random, some can be prevented and some can be resolved by taking action.

And Luuk also added some nice animations for trash: