Devlog Update 140 + Alpha 12

Alpha 12 is now available for download! The full change log is at the end of this post.
There have been some bigger changes under the hood, so please let us know if you encounter any problems.
Note that support for DirectX 9 has been dropped with this update so if you have any trouble running Alpha 12 please make sure your graphics drivers are up to date / check for DirectX updates through Windows Update first.


We’ve added the Inverted Double Swing ride from this weeks Art Stream. It’s a pretty interesting looking ride with a fairly small footprint, and it turned out quite nice:

When possible we try to use recordings of real ride sounds, so the audio team went to a nearby Go-karts track this week for a recording (and racing) session.
Look forward to hearing the results of that in the future :)


- added Inverted Double Swing
- added Robot entertainer
- added Steam stats
- added zoom to cursor
- changed raising terrain/rides/buildings to 0.5 units from 1 (for new parks/scenarios)
- improved terrain texturing
- improved overall performance in busy parks
- improved performance when hiding scenery
- continued UI overhaul
- terrain generator improvements
- balance adjustments
- fixed performance issues when selecting large amounts of terrain
- fixed error message when switching into underground mode when it’s raining while there’s water on screen
- fixed staff could sometimes take a long time to return to their assigned zone
- fixed setting car rotation for Ghost Mansion Ride/Inverted Dark Ride not working
- fixed a case where trains would not have the correct colors
- fixed goals sometimes already being completed in custom scenarios
- fixed not being able to click through hidden attractions
- fixed a case where track was properly aligned but still didn’t connect
- fixed hydraulic launch section sometimes stopping trains abruptly, resulting in wrong ride stats
- fixed hydraulic launch section launching train while block isn’t clear