Devlog Update 136 + Alpha 11

Alpha 11 is now available for download! The full change log is at the end of this post.


We added Skyfall, a drop tower ride where guests are turned into a horizontal position during the drop:

And there’s the Junior Coaster from this weeks Art Stream:

And Gabby made progress with the visual overhaul of the UI. Updating it all is a ton of work that’ll be ongoing for a while. Releasing it all at once when it’s finished would be difficult, so we’ll ship what we currently have and continue improving it over the next few Alphas until it’s done (like we’ve always done it with all parts of the game :)).
Here’s the current state:


- started UI overhaul (not complete yet)
- added Junior Coaster
- added Skyfall
- added terrain generator to scenario editor
- added fountains
- added modern building sets
- added wooden paths and queues
- added smaller park entrance that is easier to theme
- added shadow fadeout distance setting
- added tilt shift intensity setting
- added running costs for shops and utility buildings
- added female staff outfits
- added auto-minimizing deco builder window
- added world markers for person thoughts
- minor balance adjustments
- small performance improvements
- preventing terrain from clipping through rides/shops/utility buildings when terraforming
- tweaked shadows
- improved camera behaviour near terrain bounds
- improved text crispness
- improved sign text readability
- improved height indicator when building deco objects
- improved some windows remember some of their state when closing/reopening
- improved quality of path textures when zooming out
- removed SSAO (for now)
- fixed newly added rides being unlocked in old scenarios
- fixed guests vandalizing objects that don’t belong to the park
- fixed Go Karts could get stuck
- fixed Ferris Wheel was in wrong position after loading savegame
- fixed a case where ride entrance/exit could be placed at the wrong height
- fixed color filters not being applied anymore after rain
- fixed scenario autosave files being saved to the wrong folder
- fixed a case where some tracked rides could have unrealistically high intensity/nausea ratings