Devlog Update 134

Unitys text rendering isn’t the greatest currently - text looks blurry, styling and layouting is fairly limited, and when it had some trouble with handling a custom font as part of our current UI overhaul it was clear that it was time to switch to a 3rd party text rendering solution. Here’s a direct comparison:

The deco window is quite big and can get in the way, so we’re experimenting with automatically minimizing it as soon as the cursor leaves the window. Not sure yet if this might be confusing new players, we’ll have to see :)

Tim has spent the last couple weeks on adding a random terrain generator to the scenario editor, and it’s producing pretty nice results now :) There’s lots of options so you’ll never have to play on empty flat terrains anymore (although that’s still possible if you want to):

Garret added a smaller park entrance that can be themed more easily:

And some wooden paths, queues and more deco objects, including additional nice building pieces based on designs by StolleJay: