Devlog Update 126

Unity 5.5, the latest version of the engine we’re using, was released last week and so we upgraded. It broke some minor things in the UI that we need to fix but apart from that went painless.

We changed the workers so that they only help out in other zones if there are no tasks left in their assigned zone. That improves worker efficiency a lot when using zones, but might still be a bit too “smart” - maybe if they are assigned to a zone they should not care at all what’s going on elsewhere in the park…? We’ll have to keep an eye on that.

The attraction overview list can be sorted by various ride properties now such as profit and satisfaction rate to get a quick overview of how all rides in the park are doing:

And Luuk worked on Market Research campaigns, which are a pretty useful tool I think :)
When starting a Market Research campaign a certain amount of guests (depending on the duration of the campaign) are asked about various topics, and in the end you receive a handy report with a bunch of graphs as result. Especially useful for deciding which kind of ride to build next should be the graph that shows the preferred ride intensities of the interviewed guests:

And you also get a snapshot of the current needs such as hunger and thirst, and their overall satisfaction with the park.