Devlog Update 108 + Alpha 4

Alpha 4 is now available for download! The full change log is at the end of this post.


We added a Spinning Coaster:

And we worked on audio. One of the main problems we had with audio for a long time was that the default way how Unity handles it doesn’t work well with our game due to its near-orthographic perspective. Consider this scene:

There’s a red coaster on the ground and a blue coaster that’s been raised. They are both roughly in the same position on the screen from this view. Now the way Unity figures out what’s audible and what’s not is that you place an “audio listener” somewhere in the scene. You can imagine that it works somewhat like a microphone - everything close to the listener is loud and the further away an audio source is from it the less audible it becomes. The yellow circle in this example shows everything that’s within the audible range of the audio listener:

Looks about right! But if we look at it from another perspective…

…the two coasters are actually not close to each other at all and no matter where we place the audio listener, one of them will always be outside of its range. We could increase the range, but then we’d hear audio sources that are way off-screen.
What we really needed was a way to control the volume of an audio source depending on its position on screen instead of its physical distance to the audio listener, and that has been added now.
This also means that we need to rebalance our audio, so if things sound a bit too loud or too silent currently that’s why :)

Alpha 4 Changelog

- significant performance improvements
- added Spinning Coaster
- added 4D Cinema
- added palm trees
- added customizable colors for some shop products
- added area delete tool
- added controls instructions (beginning of a tutorial system)
- added monitor selection
- added camera scroll/zoom sensitivity settings
- added autosave + save hotkey (Z by default)
- added more rebindable keys
- added detection of performance problems due to mods
- added lateral and longitudinal G visualizations + graphs
- improved audio panning
- improved tracked ride stat visualizations
- improved weather
- improved Janitor behaviour for cleaning dirty toilets
- improved translation support
- increased guest spawn rate by 25%
- fixed stat heatmap visualizations not working on lowest quality settings
- fixed rides saying they have outdated values after loading savegame
- fixed raised objects not being placed at correct height if raising over sloped terrain
- fixed broken employee colors
- fixed errors when trying to load a savegame containing non-existant tracked rides (e.g. missing mods)