Devlog Update 104 + Alpha 3

Alpha 3 is now available for download! The full change log is at the end of this post.

Riverwood Themepark (no mods), by xRBz


Devlog Update 104! I guess that means 2 years of weekly devlogs, wow :)

Garret modeled a Motion Simulator ride during this weeks Art Stream. At just 2x2 tiles it is the smallest ride in the game and should work nicely to fill some gaps in parks that are running out of space.
Getting the animation working in the game with the hydraulics and all turned out to be a bit more difficult than originally expected, but here it is:

(Animation shortened for GIF)

And we added cloud shadows:

They’re fairly subtle but help visualize the current weather a bit better.


I’ve been the sole programmer working on Parkitect so far and it would’ve been cool to finish it alone… there’s a bunch of work left though and our sale numbers are looking good enough that we can afford to bring on some people to lower the work load and speed things up a bit, so Luuk and Tim from ParkitectNexus are joining us part time to help with programming tasks.
Welcome to the team! :D

Alpha 3 Changelog

- added Motion Simulator
- added Shark costume for Entertainer
- added brick walls set and some industrial props
- added sounds for Giga Coaster, Mini Coaster, Alpine Coaster, Suspended Coaster, Monorail, Ghost Mansion Ride, Inverted Dark Ride
- added new path style
- added paths don’t connect through walls and fences anymore
- added paths don’t spawn handrails if wall/fence already exists in same location
- added working queue signs
- added text signs that can be put on paths and act as “no entry” signs
- added underwater tunnels
- added track tunnels automatically updating when terraforming
- added search bar for blueprints
- added embedding log flume tracks into water/terrain without spawning tunnels
- added stats graphs for tracked rides
- added cloud shadows
- added Dutch names
- improved the look of flowers
- improved the look of tunnels (look darker on the inside)
- improved savegame load times by up to ~50%
- fixed a case where guests could queue for a closed attraction
- fixed various issues with building fences
- fixed guests rarely thought an empty queue is full and didn’t enter it
- should fix very rare case where mechanics could get stuck in ride exit gates